Sensation Mega Trap | Lure


Discover the Sensation Mega Trap, a versatile lure designed for efficient fishing near underwater vegetation. With adjustable depth control, loud rattle chambers, and versatile casting techniques, it’s a game-changer for any angler seeking consistent strikes.


Introducing the Sensation Mega Trap, a versatile lure designed for rapid action. This lure excels in quickly locating fish, making it an essential tool for anglers seeking efficient results. With its ability to attract strikes through various retrieval techniques and adjustable depth control, the Mega Trap is a game-changer in any fishing scenario.

Efficient Casting Techniques

When using the Mega Trap, employ fan casts in all directions to cover a wide area efficiently. Whether employing a constant retrieve or a yo-yo technique with intermittent pauses, experiment to find what entices strikes best. By varying your casting angles and retrieval methods, you increase your chances of success with this dynamic lure.

Adjustable Depth Control

Control the depth of your presentation by counting the lure down before retrieval. By making a mental note of the sinking time, you can precisely target different depths where fish may be holding. This adjustable depth control adds another layer of versatility to the Mega Trap, allowing you to adapt to changing fishing conditions with ease.

Loud Rattle Chambers

Equipped with loud rattle chambers, the Mega Trap emits enticing sounds that attract fish and trigger strikes. This auditory stimulation enhances the lure’s effectiveness, especially in murky or low-visibility conditions where fish rely more on sound cues. The combination of visual and auditory appeal makes the Mega Trap a formidable weapon for enticing strikes.

Ideal for Vegetated Areas

The Mega Trap excels in fishing near underwater vegetation, where bass often seek shelter and ambush prey. Its ability to navigate through dense cover and its attractive features make it a go-to lure for targeting bass in these environments. Whether fishing in lily pads, submerged grass, or brush piles, the Mega Trap delivers results.


In conclusion, the Sensation Mega Trap offers anglers a powerful tool for efficient and effective fishing. With its versatile casting techniques, adjustable depth control, loud rattle chambers, and suitability for vegetated areas, it’s a must-have in any angler’s tackle box. Elevate your fishing game with the Mega Trap and experience the thrill of consistent strikes.

Weight2 kg

Baby Bass, Blue Kurper, Peacock, Carp, Chartreuse Hologram, Sunfish, Vlei Kurper, Pretty Shad, Red Breast


Solomons Adventure Sports

Physical Store
Shop number 10
19 Jakaranda street
Hennopspark ext 7